What is mindfulness?

I think the best way to describe mindfulness would be having both a relaxed and an alert mind and body. I know- being relaxed and alert at the same time sounds like a contradiction. But it does allow us to be better focused and fully present in the moment and throughout the day. I’ve heard others describe mindfulness as “bringing focused awareness to our thoughts, behaviors, and experiences in a compassionate way” (Fisher, 2019). Regardless of where mindfulness is practiced, whether it be outdoors or in the supermarket or while tying your shoes, there are seven basic principles that mindfulness is built upon: Non-judging, patience having a beginner’s mind, trust, non-striving, acceptance, and letting go.

What is reciprocity?

Robin Wall Kimmerer describes reciprocity as:

"Each person, human or no, is bound to every other in a reciprocal relationship. Just as all beings have a duty to me, I have a duty to them."